Guided Archery and Rifle hunts in our wall tent camp, General Area 56. 7 days, all activities are done on horseback. We also offer late-season, guided lodge hunts in Areas 55 and 56.
Hunting trips in Wyoming are through rough, rugged country ranging from 7,000 to 10,300 feet in elevation. It is imperative to prepare for your hunt by being in great physical condition for riding and hiking. For the well-being of our horses and mules, rider weight limit is 230 pounds. We are strict about this.
Guided 1-on-1, 10-day horseback hunts. We have a wall-tent camp in Area 3, or we can hunt out of a spike camp in Areas 1-5. Hunting is spot and stalk.
Guided lodge hunt in Hunt Areas 110 and 111, Region F. 5 days of hunting on horseback in the Shoshone National Forest.
Guided lodge hunts in Areas 78 + 81. 3 days of hunting on BLM lands.
Whether hunting with a bow or a rifle, the first bull you hit is the only bull you get to shoot at. If you wound a bull, that is the end of your hunt.
The camp is a 3 1/2 hour ride into the Washakie Wilderness to the Cabin Creek drainage. You will stay in wall tents supplied with a wood stove, cots, sleeping pads, a table, and a lantern. There is also a cook tent where meals are prepared, a dining tent for eating and socializing, a tack tent near corrals for storage of saddles and pack equipment, and wall tents for the crew. The camp will not have more than 6 hunters at one time.
We will leave from the Elk Fork Trailhead in the Shoshone National Forest. Upon arrival, you will be fitted to a saddle on a horse or mule and given a sack lunch and a water bottle for the ride into camp. We will pack all the gear, food, and personal items needed on the pack horses and mules. When we get to camp, the afternoon is set aside for you to get unpacked and settled in your tent and get acquainted with the camp surroundings.
Each hunting day will begin early with a home-cooked breakfast. Guides and wranglers will feed, brush, and saddle the livestock being used that day so after breakfast everyone is ready to leave in the dark. We often will have an hour ride in the dark to get into a hunting area. A sack lunch is provided for the day. Guides will take a pack animal for any additional gear needed. We do not ride horses with backpacks on. Your horse will be supplied with saddle bags for personal gear, lunch, and water bottles.
The daylight hours are spent with guides glassing for animals, covering as much country as necessary. If you are archery hunting for elk, the guides will be setting up to bugle and cow call. If you are rifle hunting, there will be more spot and stalk type-hunting. Only ethical shots will be made. We do not practice long-distance shooting.
It is normal to rest during the middle of the day. As much as possible, we try not to disturb the animals from their natural patterns. Most hunting will be at dawn and dusk, when the animals are already on the move.
When the hunting day is done, we ride back to camp, often in the dark. The guides and wranglers unsaddle and tend to livestock while you put gear away and then everyone meets in the dining tent for appetizers, dinner, and dessert. Sleep and repeat.
All animals harvested will be caped off the nose for your taxidermy requests: shoulder mount, European mount, etc. Guides will then quarter the animal as cleanly as possible, place quarters in game bags, and pack the meat, cape, and horns on pack mules/horses. When back at camp, all is hung from a meat pole. If the weather is too warm, a wrangler/packer will do a meat run and deliver to our local butcher so meat doesn't spoil.
The last day is for packing all the gear and harvests and riding back to the trailhead.
Big Game licenses for hunters who are not residents of Wyoming are acquired through a lottery system on the Wyoming Game & Fish website. Each species has an application period when you apply for your license in the year that you plan to hunt. If you are hunting with a group, be sure to apply as a party. Give us a call and we can help you through the process.
Application is open January 3 til January 31
Application is open January 3 til May 31
Application is open January 3 til May 31
Application is open January 3 til April 17
Elk, Deer, and Antelope opens June 19
Preference Points can be purchased on the Wyoming Game & Fish website July 1 til October 31.
It is very important to buy a Preference Point every year leading up to your hunt to increase your odds of drawing a license. You can purchase one PP per species per year.